Round History

One of the many great features of Golfstakes is the ability to lookup previously played rounds.  Once a golf round has been scored, it is forever stored in the Golfstakes database.  Who needs to save score cards when you can look at your virtual scorecard from anywhere

Using the easy search function found on the "Rounds" tab under "My Game", you will be able to review ANY golf round that you have played.  Not only is it a great tool for bragging rights, but reliving rounds as well.

Round Results

Choose a scored round from the Rounds list to see all the round results.  Golfstakes displays a scorecard, a side game ledger, and an individual score card for each side game.

You will no longer have to sit in the nineteenth hole trying to figure the side games because Golfstakes does it all for you.  The Side Game Ledger breaks out each individual side game as well as totaling all the points for ALL players.  If you think there is a mistake on a game, simply review the individual score card for the game that you played and follow the math that Golfstakes did for you.


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