Fengjingye Posts 641
Desmond Lachman Balenciaga Triple S Grise Pas Cher , a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told Xinhua that the plan will boost employment, especially in the construction sector Balenciaga Triple S Noir Pas Cher , and will bring back into the work force at least some workers who are discouraged from seeking work.
"That's the good news. But the bad news is that Trump's massive building project is also likely to add to inflationary pressures on the labor market," Lachman added.
Moreover, Trump's plan could add to the already huge U.S. debt. And because of that www.balenciagatriplespascher.fr , the plan should not be viewed in isolation. Rather, it should be seen together with the large unfunded tax cuts that Trump is proposing and with the proposed increases in defense spending, Lachman said.
This is almost certainly going to cause the U.S. budget deficit to widen Balenciaga Triple S Femme Pas Cher , especially if Trump's optimistic assumptions about faster economic growth do not materialize, Lachman said.
"All of this could be damaging for both the U.S. and the global economies, since it is bound to force the Fed to raise interest rates at a fa.