kbingham Posts 21
Chip game is a game where you hand out chips for different accomplishments. They can be negative accomplishments, such as 3 putts, or positive accomplishments such as an eagle. Whoever, holds the chip at the end of the round gets the points associated with that chip. So it doesn't matter if you get the double bogie chip on hole 3, if your friend ends up taking it on hole 17.
When you add the side game to the round, you'll be given the opportunity to choose which chips you want to play, and what point values they are worth. If you leave at chip at 0 points, then it won't show up in the round for you to enter.

When you enter scores, below the scores you'll have a section below the scores to set the player who got a particular chip. It will show you who currently has the chip.

The results will always show you on the summary who is down points and who is up points. Remember, it isn't who has the chip now, but who gets stuck with the chip at the end.