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When something moves backward Wholesale NCAA Hoodies , it is considered to be in retrograde. It’s usually attributed to planets and other celestial bodies, and often mentioned in horoscopes (as in: ‘With Venus in retrograde, your relationships will come under scrutiny around the end of the month’). But to hear retrograde associated with male seed release is enough to make any man take notice. Men who practice excellent male organ care need to know what retrograde release is and what it means if they notice it happening to them.
What is retrograde release?
To understand retrograde release, it is important to first understand the basics of male seed release. The prostate is connected to the seminal vesicles and bladder on one end and the member on the other. When a man reaches the point of ultimate pleasure, the seed goes from the seminal vesicle to the prostate Wholesale NCAA Jerseys , where it has two options: Go to the member or the bladder.
In a healthy man, the smooth muscle of the bladder neck closes and the seed goes through the member. However, sometimes that smooth muscle doesn’t work as it should, so the seed winds up going to the bladder.
What does this mean for a guy? He will notice a dry finish – there will be no male seed release, even though he might have the intense feeling of ultimate pleasure. Fortunately Wholesale College Hats , it doesn’t hurt at all. But it can be quite troubling.
What causes it?
There are three primary reasons why retrograde release occurs. Those who have had prostate surgery, or those who are on prostate medication, might see problems like this. So a man who has gone through surgery or takes regular medication has probably been warned that this could happen, and there is nothing to worry about.
The third reason is a bit more troublesome. Diabetes can lead to retrograde release, especially if blood sugars are uncontrolled. Many men might not know they have diabetes Wholesale College Shirts , as the symptoms might be mild, or a man has become so accustomed to them that he no longer notices the issue. A man who has unexplained retrograde release should always consider diabetes as a possible cause and get checked out by the physician.
There are other causes that are not so typical but could happen to any guy, regardless of age. One of these is a urinary obstruction. Though it is rare, the first sign might be a dry finish. It might also be an early sign of a condition that affects the nerves in the body, such as multiple sclerosis. Again Wholesale College Hoodies , rather than worry about what it might be, it pays to go to the doctor and get checked out. A good urologist will be able to run the proper tests and provide some answers.