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Hajj the rewardable journey towards Holy Places of Makkah and Madinah Wholesale Bills Jerseys , Saudi Arabia. The Muslim Ummah each year visit the Holy Kaaba, the House of Allah. They have desired to perform Hajj from their childhood. When Allah gives the chance to perform Hajj, they start their preparations 2,3 months before going to Hajj. Now, let us see the rewards and benefits of Hajj here Cheap Buffalo Bills Jerseys ,
Rewards and Benefits of Hajj - Holy Quran
Allah Says in the Holy Book, Quran,
"Undeniably, the first House (of worship) built for manhood was that at Makkah - sanctified and a direction for the all Allah's creatures. In it are clear symbols (such as) the standing place of Ibrahim (A.S). And whoever arrives it shall be harmless. And (due) to Allah from the people is a journey to the House (Holy Kaaba) - for whoever is able to find thereto a way." (Holy Quran 3: 96-97) "And (mention) when We made the House (Holy Kaaba) a place of return for the people and (a place of) safekeeping. And take, (O Cheap Bills Jerseys , followers), from the standing place of Ibrahim (A.S) a place of supplication. And We charged Ibrahim (A.S) and Ishmael (A.S), (saying), Purify My House (Holy Kaaba) for those who accomplish Tawaf and those who are waiting (there) for reverence and those who bow and face down (in supplication)." (Holy Quran 2: 125) "And recall the courtesy of Allah upon you - when you were rivals and He took your hearts together and you became, by His courtesy Taron Johnson Bills Jersey , brothers." (Holy Quran 2: 103) "This day I have completed for you your faith and completed My courtesy upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion." (Holy Quran 5: 3)
Rewards and Benefits of Hajj - Hadiths
The Last Messenger of Allah said that,
"An accepted Hajj carries no less a reward than Jannah (Heaven)." "Whoever arrives at this House (Holy Kaaba) and does not commit any vulgarity or commit any wicked will go back (free of) iniquity as on the day his mother gives birth him." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The Muslims who have planned to visit the House of Allah, don' think that they are wasting their money. Yes, they invest their money for their future life. Allah is Kind and Generous, Who Promised with their creature to gives the big reward who will perform Hajj error-free. So Harrison Phillips Bills Jersey , these are Rewards and Benefits of Hajj.