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4/19/2016 12:21:22 AM
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A few simple side-angle exercises are easy to fit into a busy day. Before you suit up for the morning rush, give your thighs a little trim-and-tone attention. Lie on a mat, raise both extended legs together and open them slowly into the widest "V" you can manage while retaining control. Close your legs equally slowly and repeat five to 10 times. Shift to your side, stack your extended legs one on top of the other and rest your head on your hand. Raise the top leg toward the ceiling, hold that position, then lower slowly. new balance 1500 outlet Repeat five times, then switch sides. To make this easier, tighten your thighs and don't allow your body to hinge at the hips into a "C" shape. For a greater challenge, attach a resistance band to your ankles.

Angled Asanas

Yoga offers a number of side-angle poses, or asanas, that provide a good stretch for your hips, groin muscles, thighs and calves. Warrior II looks like a front-back lunge until you complete the pose by turning your back foot and thigh out. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to a minute, and feel the stretch from the inner thigh through the calf of the back leg. The Revolved Side Angle pose improves balance as it strengthens the upper and lower legs and ankles, and stretches the leg, groin, back, shoulder and chest muscles. In Revolved Side Angle, you move from standing to a lunge with the back, with your leg extended, your foot and hip angled out. Then you angle the torso over your front, bent leg. new balance sale The upper arm is extended over your head and the lower arm should touch the floor on the outside of your bent knee.

Ballet Barre

The long, lean legs and strong torsos of ballet dancers are developed at the barre. Turnout at the hip is extremely important in classical ballet, so barre exercises have a number of side-angle moves to open hips, stretch and strengthen groin and thigh muscles and tighten abs and glutes. With straight torso and legs turned out at the hips, lean into the barre or a chair back, touching it with your fingertips and extending the back leg high toward the ceiling as you balance on the supporting leg in penche. Perform at least 10 pliés in wide second position, with your hips and toes turned out, torso tall, core contracted and knees bent to a 90–degree angle. Increase the challenge by raising and lowering your heels 10 times on the last plié. Then plié 10 times in first position, maintaining your turnout with heels touching.

Pushup and Out

Once you've nailed pushups, adding hip rotations will really work your abs, butt, hips and thighs. From classic pushup position -- with straight torso and arms, and your body supported on flexed toes and palms -- contract your abs, tighten glutes and quads, bend one knee and bring it toward your shoulder. Angle the leg so the bent knee crosses your torso, then reverse that move by angling it in the opposite direction. Keep your leg as high as you can lift it without twisting your back. Return to pushup position and repeat for the other side. new balance 850 shop Stand for a side lunge with feet parallel, directly under your hips. Step one leg out to the side, bend your knee and shift your weight to bring the bent knee over your foot and feel the stretch. Come up and switch sides.
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