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4/21/2016 1:51:54 AM
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Open your computer's default Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla FireFox, and visit the official Build a Bear Workshop website (adidas coats). From the Build a Bear Workshop homepage, you can purchase your own customized animals or play free online games. Browse to "Shop Now" from the website's home page drop down menu to begin browsing for the type of stuffed animal you would like to build and order. Choose "Bears and Furry Friends" to browse the basic stuffed animal choices. Select the animal you would like to purchase and add it to your "Shopping Cart" online. You can then begin shopping for clothing and accessories to fit your animal.

Choose "Outfits & Accessories" from the "Shop Now" drop down bar on the Build a Bear Workshop homepage. This will open the website's online catalog of clothing, jewelry, embroidery and other accessories for the Build a Bear stuffed animals. Browse through the various categories to add items to your online "Shopping Cart" to decorate your Build a Bear stuffed animal with. adidas clothing outlet Once you are finished browsing and adding items, you can then choose "My Basket" from the top right of the Build a Bear website followed by "Checkout" to begin the ordering process.

Verify you are on the official Build a Bear website to ensure security when checking out. Enter your payment information when prompted and review your shopping cart and its contents to verify you would like to purchase the order. Submit the checkout to finalize the order and begin processing. adidas clothing sale The order will then be processed and delivered to your home, where you can complete and dress up your new Build a Bear stuffed animal.
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