Fengjingye Posts 641
On Tuesday January 2 Karim Benzema Real Madrid Jersey , 2007 Pat Robertson of the CBN 700 Club warned that America may suffer an attack on one of its cities that could cost the lives of millions. Many have scoffed at Robertson?s prediction noting that previous predictions have not been true in every instance. Evangelicals have already distanced themselves from Robertson in times past indicating that they do not think he speaks for them. Others have labeled him everything from a kook to a liar. Those who decide on the truthfulness of a prophetic utterance and the prophet?s particular qualifications usually do so by means of tracking the fulfillment of the prophecies and observing the lives of the prophets past and present. Setting yourself up to be the judge of the prophets? carries with it more responsibility than one might imagine. The greatest of Gods servants were prone to errors throughout their lives. The Apostle Paul who may be Gods single greatest witness in history was once a murderer of Christians. Peter who denied Christ prior to his crucifixion and was later restored also had to be rebuked by the Apostle Paul some thirty years after, for refusing to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. David who?s Psalms accurately predicted the first coming of Christ and to this day offer guidance to millions of believers James Rodriguez Real Madrid Jersey , started off as an adulterer and a murderer. Does this mean bad guys make better prophets? The sins and obvious human frailties of Gods servants don?t qualify them but it does qualify God?s grace. God is still using earthen vessels to hold and dispense his divine message. It could be said that apart from direct intervention that this is all he has got. It could also be said that this is all he needs. Holding the prophets lives under the microscope is a poor start to verify their qualifications. We will never like what we see; we will always see ourselves. We will then have to move over to the record. How accurate are the prophecies?