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4/14/2017 10:24:22 PM
Posts 641
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Making Your Own Biodiesel
by shana

1. Biodiesel is EASY to make.
You can make Biodiesel in your kitchen!. Anybody can make biodiesel.
2. Biodiesel is BETTER than the Petro-diesel fuel
Biodiesel is cleaner. It cuts down on targeted emission - better for the environment and better for health.
3. Biodiesel provides good engine performance.
Your diesel motor will run better and last longer on your home-made fuel.
4. The production and use of biodiesel create less carbon dioxide emission compared to petroleum diesel.
Hence Causing less damage to the atmosphere.
5. The Raw Material for making Biodiesel is Renewable and Biodegradable.
You can make biodiesel from Vegetable Oil such as palm Oil Wes Morgan Jersey , Rapeseed Oil, Soy Oil, etc.
6. Petroleum Oil Prices is increasing.
Now, Biodiesel is at it's infancy. It is the best time for you to start experimenting with biodiesel and if you know how to make it, then when biodeiesel is in demand Shinji Okazaki Jersey , you will be at the top.
7. Biodiesel can be used neat or blended with petroleum diesel in any proportions.
So, when petroleum diesel is too highly priced, like it is now, your biodiesel will be very much in demand.
8. No modification is required on your diesel engine.
Biodiesel operates in conventional combustion-ignition engines, from light to heavy-duty just like petroleum diesel and no engine modifications are required.
9. Fossil fuel is depleting.
Fossil fuel products have been used by mankind as a source of energy and it was assumed that they will last forever. Time has changed: with fossil fuel on depletion and global warming on the increase Ron-Robert Zieler Jersey , it is time to create a sustainable world.
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