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Home » General » Train Wreck Wager Messages in this topic - RSS
8/29/2008 11:27:01 AM
Posts 21
Train wreck was added to the wagers a couple of weeks ago. It's a great game, the lead can change very quickly.

If you get a double bogie, you lose all your points and start over. If you get two bogies in a row, you also lose all your points.

So you can be winning going into hole 17, then shoot a bogie. You'll be under pressure at that point to not bogie, or double bogie 18 and lose all your points.

Players play their own ball and accumulate points as follows: bogey=1, par=2, birdie=3, eagle=4, albatross=5, hole in one=10. If at any point during the round, player makes a double bogey or two bogeys in a row, players points are reset to 0. Players keep separate point values for net and gross. Highest point values win.

edited by kbingham on 8/29/2008
pages: 1

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