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golfguru08 - all messages by user

7/7/2009 2:14:27 PM
Just days left to win GolfStakes.com swag! Thank you to all of those members who participated in our recent membership drive. The contest is now closed and within the coming weeks we will announce and notify the winners of those great prizes that we had up.

Once again, thanks to everyone, and we hope you enjoy using GolfStakes.com.
7/13/2009 10:38:09 AM
Change pars on course Thank you for pointing out this discrepancy. The course details that we use for our database was purchased from a 3rd party and was not hand verified by us as to being 100% correct.

After visiting the Safari Golf Club's website I see that we currently have the same slope, rating and par that they have on the score card listed on the website. We'll contact the course and see if we can confirm what they're showing on their website is correct or if there has been any recent change.

Thank you for pointing this out to us.
7/29/2009 9:01:35 AM
Help with side game We haven't forgotten about this request.

For the last three months we have been focused on creating tournament specific functionality. We have a beta deployment date for early August for the tournament functionality and a general release of the functionality soon after that. Once things slow back down for tournaments we will once again be able to get back on to creating side games and adding in feature requests from users.

Thanks for staying on top of this request.
8/5/2009 8:51:07 AM
The Duke Gibson Classic Starting on August 6th, 7th and 8th, GolfStakes.com is going to be used to track and score our very first large scale tournament at the Blue Hills Country Club in Kansas City. The Duke Gibson Classic is an annual event and will for the very first time be scored in real time using GolfStakes.com's new tournament management features.

Player's scores will be tracked during the three day event with daily adjustments made automatically via the GolfStakes.com scoring engine. During each daily round, players and spectators will have the opportunity to watch the action on GolfStakes.com live leader board.

After several long months of work, we here at GolfStakes.com are excited about bringing the power of GolfStakes.com to a large scale tournament. We look forward to letting you know how the event went and where we'll be going with the tournament management features.
9/28/2009 4:02:44 PM
Summer season - Fall season As October rolls in, we here at GolfStakes would like to thank all of those members who used the site during this summers golf season. We were pretty quite around the site development wise because we've been hard at work at getting a new tournament system developed and deployed. As we continue through the short fall season we would like to encourage all of you to take a look at your accounts and favorite courses. Let us know if you see something that you'd like to have different or a feature that you feel would make GolfStakes even better.
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