1/2/2009 8:52:01 AM
Top Signs your game isn't so good
erivero wrote:
You start counting your strokes and you run out of fingers?
That would be a bad sign. I suppose you could always kick off your shoes and start adding in your toes.
1/2/2009 11:14:01 AM
Happy New Years
To all of the new users of Golfstakes, Happy New Years!
We welcome you all to the community and hope you enjoy using Golfstakes for all of your golf games.
1/12/2009 8:59:56 AM
Top Signs your game isn't so good
Fordmanrod wrote:
I count balls lost....
That makes it even easier to know how you're doing.
2/11/2009 1:51:55 PM
New Account Activation
We've had a few people who have tried to sign up with GolfStakes and then state that they did not get an activation email.
First check your junk mail and/or spam filtered email. It's quite possible that our email to you went there instead of your inbox. If you do have a strong spam filtering device enabled, please add 'account.management@golfstakes.com' to your allowed emails before signing up for a new account.
Secondly, if you have done all of the above and still have not recieved your email, you use our Contact Us form and we will work on getting this issue fixed.
2/11/2009 1:56:58 PM
Course Tee's
We've had a few users contact us in regards to a golf course not having all of the tees or not being able to add tee's. Right now only the owner of a course (the person who entered it into GolfStakes) can edit the course. If you find that a course has the wrong information, or something is missing, please use our contact form and let us know. If you happen to have the correct information, you can send that directly to us with the email address provided on the contact us page.
2/11/2009 2:02:10 PM
Within this month we're looking on rolling out a new look and feel for GolfStakes.com. For those who would like to see a very rough draft of the new GolfStakes you will need to go to our beta site.
There is no functionality associated with this beta site. You can not login, nor can you actually create a round. But you can click around and get a feel for where we're going with this.
If you have any suggestions or comments about the beta site, please feel free to leave us a message here or by using our contact us form.
2/11/2009 2:08:12 PM
Golfstakes at the KC Golf Show
Last weekend we had a display at the Kansas City Golf Show. We had over 500 people stop and ask questions and see a demostration of the site by our creater Kyle Kryger and one of our developers. Thanks to all of those who stopped by, and we hope to see you on the course soon.
As a side note, Golfstakes will also be going to the Chicago IL. Golf Show being held from from Feb 27th to March 1st. Please come by our both and meet some of the people behind GolfStakes, see the site in action, and have a little fun with our activites. We look forward to seeing you there.
2/24/2009 10:09:45 AM
Golfstakes at the 2009 Chicago Golf Show
Golfstakes will be going to the Chicago IL. Golf Show being held from from Feb 27th to March 1st, 2009. If you happen to be in town, please come by our booth and meet some of the people behind GolfStakes, see the site in action, and have a little fun with our activites. We look forward to seeing you there.
2/25/2009 4:45:00 PM
As you can see, we've now updated the look and feel of the entire site. We have changed the navigation on the top into drop down menus to help you quickly find items on the site. We've also grouped things a little better now. Help and Support now has all of the community sections, our FAQ's and videos. My Game will let you quickly find your golf rounds, and clicking on Golf Courses will now take you to a state list where you can quickly browse through our 18,000 + golf courses.
Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and what you'd like to see in the future by clicking on our Contact Us Form.
Hope you all enjoy the new look and feel of GolfStakes.com.
3/2/2009 10:02:13 AM
Golfstakes at the 2009 Chicago Golf Show
Wow! I just heard. We passed out over 2500 coozies to people at the golf show over this last weekend. That is outstanding! Thanks to all of those that stopped by and spoke to us. We're looking forward to having some photos and / or some videos posted soon showing us at the event.
3/12/2009 1:41:36 PM
From some feedback we had a the Chicago Golf show we've made some changes.
Gone are the drop down menus. People were having a hard time keeping the menu open or the menu got in the way of doing something on the page. We've replaced the dropdown menus with a nice second level of menus. These menu items appear in the a green bar directly under the main menu items.
Second, we've moved the profile and dashboard areas into a new section of the site. To get to the your dashboard items, click on the 'My Game' link and you should now be able to access you score and handicap history, your friends and favorite course lists, along with a direct link to your profile page.
We have also changed the way you can update your personal information. Next to the golfer avatar picture, you will see a link called 'Settings'. Clicking on this link will give you access to your GolfStakes account and allow you to update your personal information, change you password and manage your friends. In the future you will see a lot more options added to this section.
Thats it for now, let us know how we're doing. If you have any suggestions, please leave them here in the forum or send it directly to us using the contact us page found under the information tab.
3/19/2009 10:47:14 AM
Golfstakes at the 2009 Tampa FL Golf Show
Florida's Largest Golf Show is going to be GolfStakes temporary home from March 20-22. Kyle and Russ are going to be in our booth giving demostrations and information about the site and what it can do for a golfer. If you happen to be in town, come on by and say hi to the guys while signing up for your FREE membership to GolfStakes.com.
3/26/2009 10:37:36 AM
New Account Activation
Using the Reset Password feature:
* To work correctly, copy and paste everything from the beginning of the password to the very end of the password that is emailed to you.
* Paste this password into the password textbox on the member login. You should now be able to login.
After logging in, go to settings, go to change password, and paste this password into the current password textbox and then in the other two text boxes type in a new simpler password. You should now have a simple password associated with your username.
Note: If you have tried the reset password option since your first time, you must use that current temporary password otherwise you will experience login issues.
Again, if you have done all of these steps and are still unable to login, please use the Contact Us form and well work with you on getting this issue fixed.
3/27/2009 4:16:20 PM
We're on the Radio
This Saturday morning (3/28/2009) Kyle is going to be on the radio in Kansas City Missouri. Listen to 1510AM @ 8am and hear Kyle talk about all the great features of GolfStakes. edited by golfguru08 on 3/27/2009
4/2/2009 11:41:38 AM
Golfstakes.com Developer Blog
Just wanted to say that since August of last year, we've made 27 different blog entries on the GolfStakes blog. Most of the posts cover changes to the site or upgrades to certain features. A few of the posts have covered different topics like what our side games are, etc.
Blog posts we've made this year are: personalization added we're on the radio user profile section updates user interface updates speed and uptime golfstakes.com facelift list of our side games influx of new users
Our got to the GolfStakes.com blog and read all of our posts.
As always, we'd love to hear what you have to say and/or suggestions about the site.
4/2/2009 11:46:47 AM
We're on the Radio
Kyle had a great time doing the radio show last Saturday. For all of those who missed out on hearing live the first time, the show will be rebroadcast Friday April 3rd on 1140Am and 1160AM at 6pm in the Kansas City metro area.
Tune in to hear Kyle talk about GolfStakes.com!
4/29/2009 9:56:31 PM
Help with side game
I would like to say that this has been a very helpful thread, and we really appreciate the input from mmartin68 with the side game information.
5/6/2009 8:08:28 AM
New Additions to your Dashboard
For those that have been managing their friends through GolfStakes we have made a few changes to the site. First you'll notice under your friends list that you can now see your friends avatars, along with their screen name the last time they were logged in and a few links that will allow you to send a message to them or to remove them from the list.
Read our blog entry for futher information about this update.
6/23/2009 8:14:46 AM
Just days left to win GolfStakes.com swag!
There only 7 days left to win your FREE golf stuff by getting your friends, family, and fellow golfers to register!
Members who get the most people registered with GolfStakes.com will be eligible to win the following prizes: GolfStakes.com branded Nike wear, Taylor Made Burner drivers, and the grand prize, a Bushnell Pin Seeker 1500.
Winning prizes is easy. Just tell everyone how much you love GolfStakes.com and get them to register by going to our Join Now page.
Once your friends are at GolfStakes.com, have them enter your username in the "User referred" field when registering so that we can track who brings in the most new members and award prizes through out the contest. Good luck!
6/30/2009 8:05:57 AM
Just days left to win GolfStakes.com swag!
Today is the last day to win FREE GolfStakes.com branded Nike wear, Taylor Made Burner drivers, and the grand prize, a Bushnell Pin Seeker 1500. All you have to do is to have your friends, family, and fellow golfers to register on GolfStakes.com.
Tell everyone how much you love GolfStakes.com and get them to register by going to our Join Now page.
Once your friends are at GolfStakes.com, have them enter your username in the "User referred" field when registering so that we can track who brings in the most new members and award prizes through out the contest.
Good luck!
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